Thursday, June 18, 2009

Third Week

We're over 1/2 through with the 3rd week. Wow. I am concentrating on my strength training this week. Heidi gave me some good exercises to do at home on an exercise ball. Never, ever thought I would be caught on one of these. Where I work, we refer to them as birthing balls. I spent a couple of hours preparing various foods to use the next few days. I find that if I don't have something prepared, I don't have the energy to cook when I get home from work. I am getting very good at keeping the food log. I missed this weeks nutrition class because I worked. This week's new food is tofu and cucumbers, both of which I haven't enjoyed or appreciated in the past.

I am getting great support from my family and my co-workers.

1 comment:

Monica said...

Gudrun, I've love to know what you did with Tofu. I've never dared try it and am hesitant. But, I've heard that replacing even one serving of meat a week with a soy based product is very healthy. I'd love your tips if you found something you enjoyed eating.